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Thursday, January 10, 2008


I spent some time on the phone with an Apple fan boy talking about great stuff the iPhone does, the new law in California, you can't drive while holding a cellphone to your ear, had a JawBone, so no problem, and Office 2008 Mac, I verified it, which does exist and he claims to hear is better then the Windows version, no comment. I had to rack my brain to remember that great Power Point replacement, KeyNote, part of iWork, I had heard LJ talk about it fondly, likes it better then PowerPoint.

Got another call authorizing me to spend up to $500 for a new computer, where I will be loading Server 2008 and VS2008, which I got at the launch part :) I am good to play with this, I of course have to spend the money but knowing that someone will reimburse for hardware and time is a very nice feeling. I figure some kind of PC with at least 2 Gig or RAM. I am shopping Dell, Fry's and CallPCTech because I have to collect from them anyways, maybe I can simply get hardware.

So starting now I am a Windows fanboy, .NET and VS2008, funny how MS marketing works and a few drinks make me wear the LA NET developers group baseball cap everywhere. I have been attending .NET events for years and been interested in programming again, I am taking the leap.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fold Ralf!! Finally get tired of trying to be a VoIP guy? :)

VS.NET and Windows 2008 server are cool things. I have been running Windows 2008 for months now participating in the beta,release candidate and early adopter program.

I also did that for 2003 and Vista as well.

I am deploying it into production and replacing my Ubuntu VmWare server with W2k8 and hyper-v.

Any idea where you want to focus in terms of programming? Do you want to do web apps? WinForms? Web Services?

Its a big world out there.

Anonymous said...

By the way you can follow my Microsoft adventures at my lives spaces blog at

Not much there at the moment but definitely more this year as I move more and more of my operations onto Windows.

I'll be keeping Ubuntu on my laptop for now, due to the very heavy multi media and product development stuff I am doing which requires a Linux system.

However all my server side stuff can easily be done on Windows. Who knows I may not even have Linux guests.