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Friday, October 26, 2007


Why do we blog, mostly for ourselves probably, we are trying to keep a record of things that are important to us and we might want to look up someday. Since it is easy to do it on the internet, hey we might as well make it open to the whole world and share it. This way if I am taking to someone about something I have written about, I can just send him to my blog, easy. Perhaps I will find someone who goggled to me and adds more value to what I wrote or corrects me. Maybe if I get good enough at this I can someday publish a book.

I own some shares in Google, it made sense that I try out some of the other tools, besides the excellent search, mail, video, ... adsense is something new for me to try, BlogSpot is definitly something new as well, although I have been doing this since spring, it is still very much something I am learning. Just the other day I tried the integration with Picasa2, easy way to put a picture in your blog and then write an article around it, and isn't that the way it works? We take a picture, upload it to the computer and then write all about it.

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