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Saturday, December 29, 2007


So I Skype Eric, he is back from Japan and tells me about his travels, sounds like fun, we must go to China together next year, for the Olympics, probably more fun with more people.

I can't believe it, as I was trying to help Eric out on his computer, turns out he is talking about having too many things open on his desktop he mentions Evolution, I remember he installed Ubuntu, wow, he is running Ubuntu and liking it.

I closed my blinds this morning, it is cold in here 16ÂșC and I miss the hot sun light, but then it glares my screen so it is no good, I think about a thermal black thing to absorb it, but in looking on the internet, it is way to expensive for a 6'x9' for $68, no way, are this Aussie dollars, Yen? Address shows Summit NY, so I guess no.'

Ron wants a talk about these cool Lego like electronics at LiLAX, why he can't just contact the company himself instead of contacting us to start with, I don't get, talk to them first, then us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Cool. (the Lego like electronics)is super cool stuff. I just found out about it a couple days ago.

Powerful stuff.