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Thursday, December 13, 2007

for later

Much of my blog is reading the eMails, blogs, CNBC, life and posting something that I should have read completely, but due to time restrictions I didn't. For instance this morning Bruce seems to have spotted our most popular speaker at UUASC in a LA Times article, can't say for sure if it is the guy, however I recognize Heathervescent. She has done a great job of spreading her brand and tech events in the area and according to the article she now has a calendar seems to be time to get Dan Kegel's lalugs out from under him, he doesn't update, but has the old Google creed, so it is the place many link and look at, too bad no one wants to update it with his rather convoluted svn update procedure, which often breaks and you only update the repository, it doesn't post.

This youtube reminds me of the stock market, it promises to be good for me, but keeps given me bitter returns. You do have to admire the tenacity the baby has. I got to say that this babies and lemons don't mix theme is funny.

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