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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Free M$?

Hmm, this Mad Money Machine Podcast 136 at the about 30 minutes into it talks about a way to search for an item on then click to ebay, buy it now and you should get 25% back from Microsoft. Sounds too good to be true, but what is the catch the podcast asks. Terms and conditions from the eBay site.

Sleepy today, need to put my resume in better shape, currently have LinkedIn with new things and a resume with old. I want to apply at Google, FaceBook, Equinix, ...

ZipCar sounds pretty cool, just rent by the hour. They only have 2 locations USC and UCLA around here, so not for me.

1 comment:

Aleksey Tsalolikhin said...

Have you checked out FlexCar? Similar service, but they've been in LA longer than ZipCar. I used to use them.

Aleksey Tsalolikhin